Oct 17 2023 47 mins
In an informal poll in The Grown-Ass Woman's Guide community, 63% of those who responded said they would categorize their sleep as poor. Why are so many women in midlife and beyond struggling with getting rest? In today’s episode, we are going to tackle some of the most common sleep problems in women over 40, the causes, and most importantly solutions. And, if you find your sleep is adequate but could be better, we also discuss sleep wellness — getting an even better, more restful, sleep. Who doesn’t want that?
Guest: Morgan Adams is a holistic sleep coach for women who struggle with getting a good night's sleep consistently. Her goal is to help women feel better and live better, and the key to both begins with a good night's sleep. Morgan is also a former insomniac who spent almost a decade using prescription sleeping pills despite knowing that her overall sleep quality suffered. She’s also a two-time breast cancer survivor who advocates for a lifestyle of disease prevention and integrating holistic strategies for cancer treatment.
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