Dec 25 2024 64 mins
The late Joaquin “JC” Concepcion or Siñot Kin was an integral part of the Fanachu team before he passed away in October 2023. Through his collaboration with Fanachu over several years he hosted almost four dozen Fino' Chamoru dikike' na podcast episodes of "Kuentos Guåhan" and also helped organize a dozen episodes in our series highlighting the roots of contemporary Chamoru musicians from the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s.
Siñot Kin developed a passion for music early on and first joined the group the Radiants in the 1960s. Despite some breaks, he would still be playing with them at the time of his passing decades later. For this episode of Fanachu he talked about his love of music in general, love of Chamoru music in particular and love of Chamoru language and culture and why we need to keep it alive for future generations.
This was a Fino' Chamoru episode of Fanachu and first premiered on January 25, 2023 and was hosted by Michael Lujan Bevacqua.
The audio for this episode is produced by Akli'e' Chan Bevacqua and includes the song "Munga Yu Ma Fino Inglesi" by Johnny Sablan.