Nov 07 2021 46 mins
Welcome to Episode 9 of Women’s Circle, a big hello to you wherever you are listening to this. Today I am speaking to Liz Dawson. Liz is an exercise physiologist, mother of two and fellow spiritual junkie. Liz has been through so much with her own health and is open and honest about the destructive habit of pushing her mind and body to the absolute limit. At just 33, Liz suffered a severe stroke which was to be the catalyst for her to begin an emotional healing journey that sees her as a much more balanced and calmer mother, wife and entrepreneur today.
We will be discussing:
- Liz’s pathway to career
- Pilates
- Building your body strength post birth
- Setting small goals and setting habits
- Burn out and a resulting stroke at age 33
- Working with the menstrual cycle
- Feeling into your body and listening to its’ wisdom
- Finding a spiritual path
- Pre-natal depression
- Building a strong support team for yourself
- Being authentic and vulnerable with others
- Parenting from a place of healing
Welcoming you to the space.
Love, Carlie
Founder, Mumma Got Skills
Instagram: @mummagotskills
Resources and links:
**If you are experiencing any symptoms of perinatal anxiety or depression, please find some useful information:
PANDA – Perinatal Anxiety and Depression Australia
Peachtree Perinatal Wellness
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Other Resources:
Connect with Liz
Podcast recommendations:
The School of Greatness with Lewis Howes
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
The Lorraine Murphy Show
The Tim Ferriss Show
Feel Better, Live More with Dr Rangan Chatterjee
Soul Sessions with Oprah