Nov 14 2021 44 mins
Episode 10! Can you believe this little passion project has been in the world for over 2 months? I am so grateful that you are here today and I think it is so fitting that my tenth guest has been really inspirational to me as a fellow business owner in the sacred mum space. Carene Carroll is the founder of Modern Mamas, connecting local mums through mothers groups as well as being a mum of two sweet girls. I always get such a buzz when talking with Carene, she is witty, cheeky and rebellious in an utterly loveable way and once you listen, you will see how her approach to life and motherhood makes you want to be in her presence. It is my pleasure to bring this episode to you.
We will be discussing:
- A difficult schooling
- Finding career
- Doing the inner work through hardship
- Trusting intuition to guide your path
- Flowing with pregnancy
- Post Natal Anxiety
- Perceptions interfering with asking for help
- Starting Modern Mamas
- Advice for other women wanting to start businesses
- Finding purpose in what you do
- Relaxing with a second baby
- Sitting with and welcoming anxiety
- Self-care support for new mums – surrounding yourself with positive support
- Accepting the universal lessons that come your way
- Good morning ritual practice to keep you balanced
Welcoming you to the space.
Love, Carlie
Founder, Mumma Got Skills
Instagram: @mummagotskills
Resources and links:
**If you are experiencing any symptoms of perinatal anxiety or depression, please find some useful information
PANDA – Perinatal Anxiety and Depression Australia
Peachtree Perinatal Wellness
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Other Resources:
Oprah’s Super Soul Conversations
Modern Mamas