Mar 10 2022 27 mins
Welcome to the fourth podcast episode of the Inclusive Research with PIRL podcast. This month we celebrate women and in this episode, we celebrate Women and Girls with disabilities. We are joined by Deborah Stienstra and Bonnie Brayton to talk about a game-changing research project that seeks to co-create with women and girls with disabilities and center their experiences in identifying and addressing gaps in their inclusion.
For the full transcript, Biographies and other resources, please checkout the podcast website:
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Speakers’ Bios:
Deborah Stienstra holds the Jarislowsky Chair in Families and Work at the University of Guelph, where she is the Director of the Live Work Well Research Centre and Professor of Political Science. She is the author of About Canada: Disability Rights (Fernwood, 2020). Her research and publications explore the intersections of disabilities, gender, childhood, and Indigenousness, identifying barriers to, as well as possibilities for, engagement and transformative change. Her work also contributes to comparative and trans/international research and theory related to intersectional disability rights and justice.
Bonnie Brayton is the National Executive Director of the DisAbled Women’s Network (DAWN), who recently celebrated 35 years in service . Bonnie is a recognized leader in both the feminist and disability movements in Canada and internationally. Ms. Brayton is also a founding member of the Ending Violence Association of Canada and served on the Steering Committee of La Maison Parent-Roback, from 2008-15. Ms. Brayton serves on the Advisory Committee for the Jarislowsky Chair in Families and Work at Live Work Well Research Centre at the University of Guelph. She is also the Partner Liaison for a seven-year initiative based at the University of Guelph called “Engendering Disability-Inclusive Development” (EDID). From 2016 to 2021, Ms. Brayton served as a member of the Federal Minister’s Advisory Council on Gender-Based Violence (WAGE). During 2020 and 2021, Ms. Brayton also served Disability Advisory Group the DAG for Minister Carla Qualtrough.
Bonnie has also contributed to several anthologies including A BOLD VISION and LIVING THE EDGES, a DisAbled Women’s Reader and the newest release (2021) from Inanna publications STILL LIVING THE EDGES.