Aug 18 2024 46 mins
This Episode has EVERYTHING!
It's got:
- Why is Dave doing what he's doing? To annoy you! Is it working?
- Paul is very demure and mindful!
- Dave got French right!
- Sassy Paul is out to play!
- Jools Lebron! Look them up!
- Paul's sudden love of...feta?!
- Greek salad deliciousness!
- Glazed donuts!
- Paul ate ALL the feta!
- If you're offended easily, please don't listen!
- Dave suffers from CRS - Can't Remember S&*t!
- Blanche! What's the deal with Raygun?!
- When you screw up in 2024, it's global!
- She has a PhD in it!
- We are in the movie "Idiocracy"
- Hawk Tuah girl, Haliey Welch, is peek 2024!
- Stupid people charging for tickets to their wedding!
- CyberTruck is crap!
- Electrolytes! Plants need them!
- Bedazzled Crocs!
- Eel adventures in Vietnam!
- Paul's love of rulers!
- How did we survive the Middle Ages?!
- People were disgusting!
Episode Links (In Order):
- Jools Lebron's TikTok!
- Jools Lebron can finish transitioning now!
- Rachael "Raygun" Gun's Olympic performance!
- Rachael "Raygun" Gunn 'devastated' by online hate!
- Man upset people aren't sending RSVP for $450 wedding!
- Couple sell tickets to wedding for $333!
- Lewis Black's Cybertruck rant!
- "Idiocracy" wardrobe department bought Crocs!
- Doctors pull eel out of man's anus!
- Tell the tale of Lemmiwinks!
- Paul's hemorrhoidal experience episode!
Music Credit!
Opening/Closing music graciously supplied by:
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