Mar 09 2025 52 mins 1
This Episode has EVERYTHING!
It's got:
- Tinnitus!
- Defective Q-Tips!
- Disgusting ear detritus!
- Paul gets real!
- Back surgery is scary!
- Pain meds are fun!
- Red heads are weird!
- Catheters aren't fun!
- You really want to pass the catheter test!
- Paul Nightingale!
- Screws, rods, and holes!
- Tooth in eye disease!
- Seeing eye tooth!
- Paul gets frustrated!
- "You're a 52-year-old man!"
- Dave needs to listen to Paul more often!
- Pushed buttons!
- Boiled rabbits!
- Meghan "I'm inauthentic asf" Markle's new crappy show!
- Ghoulish disaster tourists!
- Paul goes with the flow, day by day!
- Nihilism vs realism!
- Agoraphobia!
- Dead Paul!
- Gay humpback whale orgy!
- Dead body mile high club!
- Toronto plane crash miracle!
Episode Links (In Order):
- Video showing Dave's surgery!
- Dave's experience with opioids episode!
- Tooth in yer eyeball!
- Meghan Markle steals Mallorca's Coat of Arms!
- Humpback Whale Porno!
- Couple forced to sit beside corpse on long haul flight!
Music Credit!
Music Graciously Supplied By:
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