Turning Schools into Energy-Efficient Powerhouses

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Aug 31 2023 26 mins  

What happens when a mechanical engineer turns his attention to empowering schools and communities? You get Clay Hoover, a senior Program Manager with TVA Energy Right, who has redefined strategic energy management with his innovative School Uplift program. Clay's relentless dedication and unique approach have transformed schools into energy-efficient powerhouses, all while engaging students, teachers, and the community in conserving energy.

School Uplift is not merely a program for reducing utility costs; it embodies a vision that extends far beyond. Clay and his team achieved immense success in energy savings, while strengthening community engagement with TVA. He discusses how they adapted to the challenges of the pandemic and scaled up their operations to an impressive 123 schools per year. Clay’s insights on the recruitment of energy-conscious teachers and the potential of inspiring a new generation of energy professionals are simply inspiring.

But what's the secret to the program's success? Clay reveals their secret sauce - strategic partnerships and design thinking. He sheds light on how they extended the program to hospitals, offering a beacon of hope in the midst of challenging times. Clay’s story is a testament to the power of perseverance, innovation, and community engagement. Join us, and learn how the School Uplift program is making a tangible difference in people’s lives.

Learn more about TVA's School Uplift program here: https://energyright.com/business-industry/school-uplift/