Oct 31 2024 20 mins 1
First, we have a big announcement!
We’ve not previously opened the show to guests because we can’t monetarily compensate anyone for being on the podcast (even ourselves). But, we’ve heard from people that y’all would like to join the convo anyway. So, let’s do this! If you want to join the possible guest pool for next season, visit meteorscicomm.org/podcast. And, if anyone listening has funding to help us compensate guests, please let us know!
Now, on to today’s episode!
We’re kicking off SEASON 4!! 🥳
We’ve been hearing from you, listeners, for four years now. Together, we’ve gone from advanced how-to’s to hope is an action to systemic change, and we love feeling like we’re really in this together. So, this season’s theme is “We’re in this together, now what!?”
Today, we're taking a look at the risk there is, in the scicomm field, to see everything (and everyone) as competition, as a limit on what’s possible. This scarcity mindset dominates when we perceive a scarcity of resources. The tricky thing is, we’re often operating in situations where there are — actually — plenty of resources! It’s just a question of how we (or folks in charge, when it’s not us) choose to allocate those resources.
All of this leads to some real potential for issues among scicomm professionals and organizations.
For example, we think:
- Environments with loads of resources are actually more likely to foster a scarcity mindset.
- There are individual, institutional, and systemic points of responsibility (and opportunity!) to change these attitudes to be more oriented toward abundance and generosity.
As always, on this “overly” honest podcast, we talk through several examples in our personal and professional lives.
Then, we ask you to dig in for yourself:
- What’s a shift toward abundance that you could make in your mindset or habits around the scicomm community/profession?
Thanks for listening! We’re hoping for a community potluck 🥗🍛: Connect with us on social media (BlueSky, LinkedIn, Twitter, various Slack communities, etc.) or at www.meteorscicomm.org.