Aug 01 2024 16 mins 20
This episode features the second portion of our conversation with the award-winning literary translator Jennifer Feeley. Where last time we learned about her journey to Cantonese and her work translating the poetry and prose of the Hong Kong author Xi Xi, this time we hear about her recent translation of the psychological thriller Tongueless, by Lau Yee-Wa. Set in a Hong Kong secondary school, it zeroes in on the pressure-cooker environment faced by contract teachers as they navigate the shifting linguistic landscape between Cantonese and Mandarin. Make sure to tune in next time for the third and final installment of our conversation where Jennifer shares tips for getting into literary translation.
今集係我哋同得獎文學翻譯家費正華 Jennifer Feeley 對話嘅第二部分。上次我哋了解咗佢同粵語嘅淵源同埋翻譯香港作家西西嘅詩歌同散文作品,今次我哋會聽佢最近翻譯劉綺華嘅驚悚小說《失語》Tongueless 。小說以香港一間中學為背景,講述合約教師喺廣東話同普通話之間變化緊嘅語言環境之下面對嘅無形壓力工作環境。下次記得收聽埋我哋對話第三部分最後一集,Jennifer 會分享有關文學翻譯嘅竅門。
Lean more about Tongueless
Episode transcript