Oct 22 2024 21 mins
In this episode, I share a quick personal and business life update with you! If you haven't heard already - we recently moved house, which has been a huge journey, especially with a toddler. But amidst the chaos, I've been working on something exciting - I am making my Preconception + First Trimester Online Course FREE to access for the rest of the month!
Click here to get your FREE access to Hannah's Preconception + First Trimester Online Course!
I know how exciting it is when you first see those two pink lines on the pregnancy test! But I also know how overwhelming the first trimester can be - not only just from the intense fatigue and nausea, but all the decisions that you need to make.
Midwife or Ob? Public or private? What are doulas? How can a student midwife help you have a positive birth? What about your birth options - does your hospital offer baths or water? Or perhaps you know you want an epidural or caesarean - who is best to provide your care then?
So many questions right?! But don't worry - this course is here to arm you with the answers.
I designed this course because I want you to have all of the information on your different care providers, but also tools to use during the first trimester to help you to feel better, and to get through this often challenging time.
As a midwife working in public and private hospitals I have insider knowledge on our maternity care options in Australia - and I share all of this knowledge with you in this course!
Over five modules I take you through the common physical and emotional changes women experience in the first trimester and how you can support your body to feel better, important lifestyle considerations to implement in early pregnancy - plus we go in depth into how to choose the right care provider for you.
Click here to get your FREE access to Hannah's Preconception + First Trimester Online Course!
I would love to hear your thoughts, questions, and ideas for future episodes so please get in touch on instagram - my insta is @heldmidwifery or through my website www.heldmidwifery.com.au. Remember to subscribe so you don't miss any episodes, and if you're enjoying the podcast I would be ever so grateful if you could rate and review on your favourite podcast player.
Disclaimer: Remember as always the info provided in this podcast does not constitute medical, midwifery, psychological, childbirth, pre-natal or post-natal education or other professional medical advice, and is provided for general information and guidance purposes only. Hannah Willsmore will not be liable for any expenses, losses, damages (including indirect or consequential damages) or costs which might be incurred as a result of your reliance on this information, advice, content or materials. This release includes but is not limited to any claim for personal injury, damages and death of any individual which has received information from Hannah Willsmore. Further, Hannah Willsmore does not make any representations or give any warranties about their accuracy, reliability, completeness or suitability