Jan 18 2023 55 mins
Mel Cameron is a people person whose career journey has taken her from media studies at college and working in Pizza Hut to embracing her love of travel and falling into a career in the summer camp industry. She has worked in various camps in the US, gaining resilience as she helped young people to make the most of their experience. A mature student at university, she went on to advance her career in the industry by taking advantage of opportunities to take on student digital marketing and attraction roles in the UK.
All was going well until a certain global pandemic reared its ugly head. At this point, she had to make a conscious choice to change her story. As often happens when we had a dream in mind, life conspired to help her put her values and skills to work in a new direction. A twinkle in Mel’s eye became a reality and she is now in a role she loves, training and working as a careers adviser in Lampeter, West Wales, for the University of Wales Trinity St David.
Always one to be busy, she is a firm believer in giving her time where it’s needed and also volunteers for St John’s Ambulance, Tŷ Hafan the Children’s Hospice for Wales, and the National Youth Advocacy Service which has given her additional skills and experience to help her grow.
Mel can be contacted via:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mcameron83/
Self-efficacy - developed by Albert Bandura
Planned Happenstance – developed by John Krumboltz
Tŷ Hafan the Children’s Hospice for Wales
National Youth Advocacy Service
Change Your Story is hosted by Carolyn Parry who spent 17 successful but largely unfulfilling years in business heading away from who she really was and into an existential crisis that led to burnout. That experience led her to change her story and retrain as a certified career and life coach and remains at the heart of her passion for careers work.
Now twenty years on, she is an award-winning certified career/life coach and TEDx speaker. She runs Career Alchemy, a coaching practice that has helped thousands of early-stage, and established professionals create purpose-led careers they love.
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Find out more about Carolyn's new book:
'Change Your Story: Escape from a job you hate and create a career you love - on purpose.'
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