Pastor of Family Ministries | Taylor Bacon
Guest: Financial Director | Kate Burton
On today’s episode, Taylor continues the series on “perspective of the church” and he brings in Kate Burton, the Financial Manager of Centenary Church to talk about
how to navigate the complexities of financial management, but also staying true to her calling of full time ministry.

If you have some questions yourself, feel to reach out to us at and we would love to answer your questions!
Pastor of Family Ministries | Taylor Bacon
Guest: Financial Director | Kate Burton
On today’s episode, Taylor continues the series on “perspective of the church” and he brings in Kate Burton, the Financial Manager of Centenary Church to talk about
how to navigate the complexities of financial management, but also staying true to her calling of full time ministry.

If you have some questions yourself, feel to reach out to us at and we would love to answer your questions!