Apr 02 2024 85 mins
This woman was interrogated by cult leaders. Female Hollywood writer, actor, director, Bonnie Root, explores the system of manipulation, abuse, and control in the Jehovah Witnesses and the film industry. We dive into her experience with a cult Judicial Committee, sexual interrogations, her award-winning film, "Sissy" about grooming of teens, The Movie, a physchological thriller, and her new ExJW film coming out, Diary of Heather Keating, a narrative exposing the Judicial Committee for the abuse common in the Jehovah's Witness system of punishment.
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We met because my Witness Underground documentary and her film, THE MOVIE, both played at GenreBlast Film Festival. The director, Michael Mandell, approached me after seeing Witness Underground to let me know that Bonnie Root, the star actor in his film, THE MOVIE, was also a former Jehovah's Witness. I invited her to our California film premiere in Los Angeles at the Filmocracy Film Festival. A bunch of ExJW's showed up and we've been in touch ever since.
I'm so excited to be able to share her amazing work with you!
In this gripping narrative directed by Bonnie Root, a prominent female director in Hollywood, the harrowing realities of religious oppression and manipulation come to light. Her experience being interrogated and abused by cult leaders has shaped much of her life and empowered her to expose this religion for what it really is, a dangerous manipulative control cult. Her films delve into the depths of cruelty within religious processes, highlighting the systemic violations of women's rights.
This woman's journey unfolds as she faces offensive religious interrogations and manipulative control tactics by the Jehovah Witnesses' judicial committee. Through Root's lens, we witness the profound impact of the system of manipulation, abuse, and control within this organization.
"Diary of Heather Keating," scripted by Root, promises a raw exploration of narcissistic abuse within the context of religious communities. Root's previous work on "Sissy" has established her as a formidable force in shedding light on sensitive topics, particularly the destructive form of grooming common in this cult.
She confronts the reality of women's rights violations and the insidious nature of religious oppression processes. Experience the power of storytelling to expose the truth to ignite global awareness and change.
🎬 👁️🗨 In her gripping psychological thriller, The Movie, Bonnie Root, who once endured the negative experiences of an abusive cult, the Jehovah's Witnesses, takes us on a journey through the real inspiration behind horror. Join us as she shares profound insights into the parallel themes of abuse, drawing from her own life experiences.
🔍 Bonnie Root's portrayal as a Hollywood actress mirrors the haunting realities of her past. Discover the chilling narrative of a repairman tormenting a washed-up actress in her own home, echoing the psychological trauma she endured within the confines of the abusive Jehovah's
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