Nov 07 2024 51 mins
Decult, a safe space for former cult members, government officials, cult experts, human rights activists, LGBTQ+, mental health care works, skeptics, therapists, psychologists, psychotherapists, medical doctors, lawyers, film directors, satire artists, & trafficking advocates. Decult Cult Awareness Conference exposed how religious cults today are a growing problem.
Recap of the groundbreaking Decult Cult Awareness Conference, the first of its kind in the world to address pervasive harm.
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Complete Decult conference video package:
I highlight key moments from the conference, including insights from renowned speakers such as Janja Lalich PhD who developed a concept called Bounded Choice describing how coercive control works on intelligent people.
Bounded Choice:
Take back your life:
Witness Underground Rockumentary had its' international premiere at Decult, a powerful documentary exploring the experiences of former Jehovah's Witnesses who deprogrammed themselves through self-education and the power of self-expression and music to allow themselves to do free thinking sufficient to get out.
Links to watch:
I was invited to speak on a panel called "Rock the Watchtower" hosted by Radio New Zealand investigative reporter Anusha Bradley along with activists Lara Kaput and Shayne Mechen.
The Decult conference, organized by journalist and author of Cult Trip, Anke Richter, aimed to create a unique opportunity to better understand and prevent cultic harm in the future. It laid the groundwork for improved support systems and awareness.
Consider supporting the initiative by purchasing access to all 20 of the full Decult key-notes and panel discussions. This comprehensive package will allow you to explore topics such as kids in cults, online radicalization, and the unique challenges faced by LGBTQ+ individuals in cult/high-control groups.
As a decult speaker and former cult member, I was excited to share my unique perspective and our documentary. The conference provided a safe space for former cult members to share their experiences and find support and for professionals to upskill.
Attendees heard powerful stories from those who successfully navigated mind control and gained insights into the process of religious indoctrination methods and personal deconstruction. The conference also addressed critical issues surrounding human rights, offering valuable perspectives for those struggling to break free from indoctrination.
#Decult2024 #DecultConference #CultAwareness #FormerCultMembers #ReligiousCultsToday #CultSurvivors #HighControlGroups #BoundedChoice #JanjaLalich #WitnessUnderground #ReligiousDeconstruction #HumanRightsAndReligion #CultDocumentary2024 #LeavingReligion #CultSpeakingPanel #FreedomFromCult #ReligiousTrauma #ExJW #CultEducation #Menta
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