Dec 05 2023 33 mins
In this episode, we have Dean Siveter, a female weight loss specialist and personal trainer. Originating from London and recently moved to Gold Coast, Australia, Dean shares his journey on how his love for fitness eventually turned into a career and his desire to help others achieve a positive body image and mental health. Dean dives into the challenges of being a male trainer in a female-dominant industry and shares experiences about his move from England to Australia. This episode provides a candid perspective of the life of a personal trainer, fitness tips for people in various life stages and the key factors of maintaining an active lifestyle.
The Journey to become a Female Weight Loss Specialist
Dean's Introduction
The move from London to Melbourne
The decision to move from Melbourne to Gold Coast
Dean's Focus: Women's Weight Loss
The challenges of being a male trainer in a female-dominant industry
Tips for people looking to make positive fitness changes
Visit Dean's website here by clicking here.
Visit Dean's Instagram by clicking here.