Jul 29 2024 1 mins
Welcome to the Create HER Legacy Podcast, I am your host Lashawnda Smith and if you’re listening to this, then I think it’s fair to assume that you are ready to start creating a legacy for you and your family, through entrepreneurship, and content creation.
I help women entrepreneurs like you with leveraging YouTube and Podcasting to create a powerful brand around your business and help you start accomplishing those goals you currently have on your vision board.
Becoming a listener of this podcast is going to motivate you to STOP procrastinating, when it comes to showing your face online, and FINALLY step into the success you desire. The Create HER Legacy Podcast is going to help you become a legacy starter, providing you with the tips, tools, and resources to get started, and help you become the powerhouse you know that you can really be.
You will also hear interviews from other legacy starters who are a part of The Create HER Legacy Community, who have seen success from pursuing YouTube or Podcasting, and how they are currently leveraging it for their own brand and business. If you’ve made it this far, then I’m sure you’re ready to dive into an episode, so go ahead and pick one below, and let's get you tuned in...
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Lashawnda Smith
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Instagram: Iamlashawnda
Tiktok: CreateHerLegacyPodcast
Facebook: Lashawnda Smith
Website: https://www.lashawndasmith.com