Nov 07 2024 24 mins 1
Let us know what you think of this episode! We read every comment we receive.
This week's episode of the podcast is a slightly shorter one, and this time, Lucy is the guest along with Dr Agatha, one of M4RD's ambassador's and a recent graduate from the University of Glasgow as well as being an academic foundation doctor in Newcastle.
They are both being interviewed by Y2 medical students from The University of Glasgow all about how they both got involved in their work and how people can help raise awareness about rare diseases.
Views, ideas and opinions expressed in this podcast are personal to the individual and Medics4RareDiseases does not accept responsibility for those expressed by guests.
M4RD receives funding from commercial companies which it works independently from. M4RD's Partners and Funders do not accept responsibility for any views expressed in this podcast.
M4RD does not endorse any companies or products that it receives sponsorship from. For more information please see the show notes and #DareToThinkRare