Jan 31 2025 22 mins 1
Let us know what you think of this episode! We read every comment we receive.
Before we jump in to a new season of the podcast, we have a special episode with Emma and Lucy which covers all the ways you can get involved with Rare Disease Day 2025!
Every year for Rare Disease Day, Medics For Rare Disease run our own #ShowYourStripes campaign where you can raise awareness by putting on your best pair of stripey socks and sharing them on social media tagging @MedicsForRare with the hashtag #ShowYourStripes.
To find all the campaign materials for Rare Disease Day 2025, just head to the link below where you will find everything you need to get going!
Views, ideas and opinions expressed in this podcast are personal to the individual and Medics4RareDiseases does not accept responsibility for those expressed by guests.
M4RD receives funding from commercial companies which it works independently from. M4RD's Partners and Funders do not accept responsibility for any views expressed in this podcast.
M4RD does not endorse any companies or products that it receives sponsorship from. For more information please see the show notes and www.m4rd.org/sponsors #DareToThinkRare