Mar 12 2023 59 mins
Go Under the Musical Influence of Shay Leonia answering 9 Questions about her Musical Self.
Shay Started In The Band Literally Being Born into Music and Grew Up in a Family of Musicians in New Jersey to Following Suit with the Rest of Her Family by Learning to Play the Trumpet to Singing on the Subway to Finally Working with Some Major Music People to now Living in Philadelphia Pennsylvania. Shay's Music Sounds Like A Mix Between Kelis Vocals Over Nine Inch Nails Beats!
I Decided to Go Sing for a Living and Received a Scholarship to the American Musical Dramatic Academy.
I Started Singing on the Subway to get a Meal a Day.
It was a Life or Death Scenario!
I Lied and Said I Was Raising Money for Studio Time.
One Person Came Along, Passed me a Flyer and Asked me if I Written Any Music?
Do You Think You Can Do This?
I Started Writing Music and Networking a lot!
I Started Really Getting a Lot More Attention for my Singing.
I have Worked with Some Major Music People like Janelle Monet, Marley Marl, The Pharcyde and the Lords of the Underground.
I was Featured on a RuPauls Drag Race Commercial.
Now I Get to Help Other Indie Musicians through my Company 44th Minute Media!
What is Busking?
I didn’t Want to Live that Cube Life!
Theres a Narrative Around the Day Job
It’s the Need to Explore the Adjacent Jobs!
The Adjacent Path will Help Shape Your Eventual Career in Music!
What is Battle Jazz Trumpet?
She was Singing George Michael “Monkey” at 3?
My Sister Snuck Me Into Bars to See Led Zeppelin Cover Bands.
This is Just All they People that Have Been Affected by the same Thing that Affects Me!
Janet Jackson What a Legend!
Sam Goody Employees Were Shazam!
I Miss the Type of Spark & Magic of the Work You Would Do to Try and Buy a Song!
You Really Have to Work So Much Harder to Get Your Fan Base to Care!
A lot of that Magic is Gone & it’s Heartbreaking!
Songs have Feelings?
I Feel Guilty I Haven’t Paid Attention to the Song(s).
One of the Songs is Gonna Hear Me and Their Feelings are Gonna be Hurt!
Can you Duck and Dodge a Question?
Who Do I Have Tattoos Of Right Now? Thats How I Answer this Question!
Indie Artists Your Spotify Follower Count Does Not Determine Your Success?
So What Does?
It’s like I’m a Jukebox! Say a Word and I’ll Sing a Song!
Do You Eat, Sleep, Crap, Music?
What do Cantors Do?
Music is in my Blood, Literally in My Bloodline!
What is a Trash Cans Style of R&B?
Music Discussed from Janelle Monet, Marley Marl, The Pharcyde, the Lords of the Underground, Liza Minnelli, Barbra Streisand, George Michael, Wham!, Stevie Wonder, Doris Day, Michael Jackson, Nirvana, BIG, Art Blakey, Miles Davis, Clifford Brown, Bill Conti, Bob James, Mel Carter, Page and Plant, Bon Jovi, Janet Jackson, Toni Braxton, Naughty by Nature, Treach, Skillz, El Da Sensei, The Artifacts, Raekwon the Chef, Monifah, George & Ira Gershwin, Technotronic, and More!
Find Out More About Shay Leonia’s Music!
Find Out More About the Band that Intro's & Outro's the Show!
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Under the Influence with DJJonniBravo
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