Dec 21 2021 78 mins
In this episode we talk with Retired Air Force Major Bill Young. Bill had an amazing career in the Air Force as a Meteorologist taking part of some historic events. One event that Bill talks about is when he was the head Meteorologist for the very first NASA Space Shuttle mission and it's safe return to Earth. Bill is an extremely humble man who does great work in the Coachella Valley supporting Military, Veterans, and their families. Below is a brief bio of Bill.
William (Bill) Robert Young
Born December 27, 1947 in Foxboro Massachusetts
Family moved to California in Fall of 1959.
Graduated High School … Santiago High, Garden Grove, Calif in 1965
AFROTC at Colorado State
Graduated in January 1970 with degree in Social Studies (Mechanical Engineering Major most of time at CSU but switched majors to start studying meteorology for Air Force) and commissioned as a Second Lt in Air Force
Spent all of 1970 at Texas A&M in basic meteorology program
1971 to 1974: Dobbins AFB, Georgia. Forecaster/worked with C-5 program. Many of the original astronauts passed through our weather station during this time.
1974-1976: AF Global Weather Center, Offutt AFB, Nebraska. Assistant weather team chief. Forecast weather for bases all over the world including support to resources in Viet Nam
1977: Back to Texas A&M to get Master’s Degree in Meteorology
1978-1981: Los Angeles AFS, California. Working with Space Division. Meteorologist in charge of support to the Space Transportation System (STS) more commonly known as the Space Shuttle. At Edwards AFB for landing of STS-1 in April 1981. Put together weather support plan for the Space Shuttle.
1981-1984: Commander of the weather station in Giebelstadt Germany in support of the Army’s 3rd Infantry Division (Wurzburg) Staff weather officer to commanding General of 3rd Infantry Division. Many field exercises during this period.
1984-1990: Current Operations Officer for the 5th Weather Squadron located at Ft McPherson, GA in support of Army bases in USA and FORCES Command. While there was a briefer for General Collin Powell. Lots of assistance visits to Army Posts all across America.
Retired in January 1990 and started working for a private weather company (Strategic Weather Services later changed to Planalytics) in July/August. Company headquartered in Valley Forge Pennsylvania but with a weather forecast office in Palm Springs which was just starting and I was asked to head up. Worked for them until about 2006. Spent 2 years at company headquarters including 2001 where I was located at the time of 9/11. Weather forecasts for big businesses, helping them plan their long range sales projections.
Since retirement, I have been on the Advisory Board of the local Salvation Army (about 14-15 years) and active in the Air Force Association and the American Legion. Also been blessed to be on the veterans committees for Congresswomen Mary Bono Mack and then Congressman Raul Ruiz as well as Supervisor Manuel Perez. While working with the Salvation Army, we started the Veterans Easy Access Program (VEAP) and accomplished 9 live Veterans Expos and a monthly e-mail newsletter, the ReadBack which updates local veterans on what is happening locally and on a national level. Hope to return to having live veterans expos once again in 2022.
Married since 1982 to Deanna/ no children