Feb 15 2022 57 mins
Episode 6: A long-form interview with Dr. Latrice Fowler, a military psychologist who specializes in treating addiction. Dr. Fowler joined us to review Whitney Houston's autopsy and toxicology report, but our conversation was so much more. We discussed the nature of addiction, how it affects our families and society, how the system treats people with addictions, the racial and gender disparities between how society regards various addictions, and even cyberbullying. Through the course of this conversation, Dr. Folwer helped us answer a lot of questions, and also identified a few still left unanswered.
County of Los Angeles. (2012). Coroner's Report (Case No. 2012-01022). Los Angeles, CA. Retrieved from abcnews.com
Special thanks to our guest, Dr. Latrice Fowler.