Sep 02 2024 37 mins 1
Juhn Atsushi Wada was a Japanese–Canadian neurologist known for research on epilepsy and human brain asymmetry, including his description of the Wada test to assess cerebral hemispheric dominance of language function. The Wada test is the gold standard for establishing cerebral dominance and is conducted worldwide prior to epilepsy surgery. He became a pioneer in the utilization of the kindling model of epilepsy, which permitted controlled studies of the development of epilepsy in the laboratory.
Drs. Maryam Nouri and Laurent Sheybani interviewed Drs. Jerome Engel Jr., Marilyn Jones-Gotman, and Solomon Moshe about their memories and relationships with Dr. Wada and his impact on epilepsy research and clinical care.
More information on Dr. Wada:
In memoriam: Juhn Atsushi Wada (Epilepsia Open)
Juhn Wada 1924-2023 (ILAE website)
Dr. Juhn Atsushi Wada (British Columbia Medical Journal)
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