Gail Gallie is the co-founder and creative leader of Project Everyone. Project Everyone is the organisation behind the campaign launch of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Previously, Gail has run marketing and advertising practices, but she is now focusing on how to drive solutions to the world’s most pressing problems. In this episode, we have invited Gail Gallie to talk about the conversations that led up to the big success that is the Global Goals and how it changed global conversations.
The key topics covered in this episode are:
- The conversations that led up to the creation of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
- The power of conversations, trusting your instinct, keeping it low-fi and listening
- How visuals can help fuel a conversation
- The importance of making things granular
- How we can engage everyone in changing global conversations
- How to enable a global ecosystem of changemakers
For references, links, and other episodes, visit the podcast homepage here.