Feb 04 2024 49 mins
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Is Agile a relic of a bygone era or a methodology evolving right before our eyes? We grapple with this conundrum, reminiscing about Agile's humble beginnings and its expansion, much like the growth of the NHL. With Ken Rickard and guest insights from Michael Laurie of Bayer, this episode is a deep dive into the essence of Agile in today's fast-paced world. We talk about transforming the managerial landscape, where companies like Morningstar are pioneering high-trust, high-accountability environments, questioning the very role of a traditional manager in the process.
Agile's philosophical underpinnings take center stage as we discuss its commercialization and how newer generations embed it into their work culture—almost instinctively. We unfold the layers of Agile's metamorphosis, scrutinizing movements like "Take Agile Back" and Agile Uprising that challenge homogenized frameworks. With Donna Jones's perspectives on resilience and stewardship, we explore the intricacies of leading transformational journeys and the pivotal role of transparency in steering organizations towards true agility.
Navigating the turbulent waters of organizational change, we look at the adaptive landscape that modern enterprises must traverse to survive and thrive. Shedding light on the transformative shifts in structure and culture, we ponder Agile's future and the evolving role of leadership. The discussion culminates with an affirmation that Agile is far from extinct; instead, it's an ever-adapting discipline that beckons continuous learning and flexibility. Join us as we chart the course of business agility and the enduring search for organizational resilience.
Join hosts Ken Rickard and Jason Little for this exciting episode of That Change Show.
Jason Little is an internationally acclaimed speaker and author of Lean Change Management, Change Agility and Agile Transformation: 4 Steps to Organizational Transformation. That Change Show is a live show where the topics are inspired by Lean Change workshops and lean coffee sessions from around the world. Video versions on Youtube