All time High's in all aspects of Life with Keli Callaghan, Chic Growth Officer at Arrington Capital

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Nov 22 2024 48 mins  

Whist I was manically refreshing my Crypto Fidelity page while smoking a joint praying for better spreads and a painless brazilian wax, it occurred to me that this new cycle will hit different. Alas I wager we will see less of the pitiful tech bros peddling nonsensical seasons of DeFi summers and meaningless phrases like interoperable metaverse masking their low confidence in newfound stoicism and Marcus Aurelius Bullshit- but of what is to come remains remarkably unknown. Deep in the confines of my own imagination, I still wonder, is it cool to Love Trump if my Bitcoin earnings finance my donation to a do nothing liberal organization.

Alas, with prices higher than losers at Burning man I still remain on my somewhat asbergers yet violent quest armed with my baccarat bedazzled magnifying glass to discover if people are actually using this shit.

I see everyone with a networth that can finance a qui qong instructor and a ski chalet in Verbier purchase crypto at Fidelity. Why? Because ultimately, my banker is my best friend. Show me a rich person lending on Aave save for Stani and I will show you an Alvin Ailey Dancer who voted for Trump. Ce n’est pas possible.

I digress; My guest is the ever so fabulous hot crypto power mom fellow podcast host Fund Partner Keli Callaghan. I met Keli deep in the trenches of Covid in a Cafeteria somewhere in Gstaad. She educated me on the deep misrepresentations of both masks and Algorand, wildly misunderstood concepts that played a crucial role in the health of our society and their impacts will be studied for years to come.

Despite her no longer being at Algorand, Keli drove its marketcap to astronomical proportions resulting in Keli’s undeniable fame. She has over 20K X followers leading her to require a security team at Glitter Ledger Headquarters.

Keli currently serves as the Partner and Chic Growth Officer of Arrington Capital alongside Michael Arrington. She is so much more than your typical soulless one dimensional crypto VC with no meaningful thoughts or insights. Keli has a long history of marketing and storytelling for brands in the traditional world of actually working. She also studies how to manipulate people and how to find psychopaths amongst us in a course that one must be specially recommended for. Her insights on leadership, luck, and career development are insightful without being trite or pathetic. She is smart, hilarious and could have hosted this show herself.