Feb 04 2024 35 mins
With 38 percent of the votes, our story continues on the second path once more.
Rena and her companions split up to figure out what's going on with Silac and the Crow. Rena accompanies Rodrick to Hrevim's library to learn more about the inscription on the bird figurine and the Crow's other practices, but she'll find out much more than initially thought.
I apologize for the delay in releasing the episode. I was sick for a bit and then it also took me much longer to edit this episode than the previous ones.
Find A Searing Faith, the novelisation of season 1, on your favourite platform:
By the end of the episode, three choices will be presented to you. Vote on twitter, tumblr or on theheartpyre.com for whichever path you want the story to continue on. Voting is open until February 15th.
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Promo in the Episode: Travelling Light (https://www.monstrousproductions.org/travelling-light)
Intro music: Lonely Dusty Trail by Jon Presstone
Logo Design: Mars Lauderbaugh