Dec 19 2024 6 mins
Love sorrel at Christmas? Thank Anancy, that trickster spider, for the drink all West Indians eagerly enjoy during the festive Yuletide season!
In this episode, Ms. Velma Pollard, revered Jamaican author and oral storyteller, shares the backstory of sorrel’s infamous association with Christmas in a folktale that originated in Jamaica.
This telling is adapted from a story by Ms. Louise Bennet, Jamaican poet, folklorist, writer, educator whose pioneering work in performing her poems in Jamaican Creole earned her many distinctions including the Order of Jamaica and an MBE. Award-winning Velma Pollard’s career is filled with acclaim for establishing the validity of Jamaican patwa as a form of literary expression.
This Cocoa Pod episode is an important addition to the wider movement to preserve the practice of presenting poetry, folk songs and stories in Nation Language.
Pour yourself a tall glass of sorrel on the rocks, press play and have yourself a very Merry Christmas!
Marsha and Mellany