Jun 25 2024 23 mins
- What is more effective: child-led or parent-led potty training?
- Is there a difference between potty training during the day and at night?
- What occurs in a child's brain during the potty training process?
- What causes bed night wetting?
Join us as we discuss bedwetting issues with Dr. Steve Hodges, a leading authority on childhood toileting issues.
Dr. Steve Hodges, a Professor of Pediatric Urology at Wake Forest University School of Medicine, has authored eight books for parents and children. This episode focused on his book, "The M.O.P. Anthology."
You will learn about the differences between urinating and bowel movements during potty training and how to identify and address bedwetting accidents.
Visit Dr. Steve Hodges' website for more information and download his free guide, 12 Signs Your Child is Constipated.
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Remember to treat yourself and your children with compassion and curiosity. 🫶