May 20 2024 26 mins
Sometimes in life you guys, we just gotta admit that things happen because….well,
Because of our own damn selves. And how we treat our own damn selves.
Sorry but it’s true. We are far too often our own worst enemy and we don’t even realize what we’re doing while we’re doing it.
But fear not! For this week, we have a good episode by yours truly that will surely get us all back on track and out of any type of self sabotage we may be currently in. If, of course, we are open to receiving it.
Yay! Podcast! Lol
Seriously tho, we all need a little ass kick now and then and I’ve come to know that the ones we learn best from are the ones we give ourselves.
So listen on, open up to some new thoughts and ideas, kick your own ass with me, and let’s see just how fast we can learn how to delete shit out of our lives what no longer serves our best interests.