Jul 23 2024 25 mins
So what’s good, you guys? Or what’s bad, indifferent, ugly, meh, even?
Tell me!! I want to know….lol. I do!
Because guess freakin what…in this episode we’re gonna learn all about how we truly feel around whatever it is we’re currently feeling in our lives. And more importantly how to use these feelings to better ourselves and those we come in contact with.
A small tweak in how we might be viewing our feelings is all it really takes to make a huge impact on the world we call ours.
Think you have a grasp on how your feelings work? Or maybe you’re in need of some guidance in the area of feeling?
Either way, here comes ya girl with some things she just gotta tell ya lol
Seriously, though…
We all have an innate ability to feel our way through life but are we really doing it in a manner that best suits who we want to be? Or, Where we want to go?
A lot of questions, right? Yup.
Now, listen on and see if maybe thru some good old fashion chit chat with yours truly, we might be able to find some answers.
So I hope you choose to join me now as we discuss how to turn emotions into a logical perspective for our own personal growth and become better humans as we do.