Sep 23 2024 31 mins
Wanna know how to change your life?
Of course you do. Wouldn’t be seeking spiritual podcasts otherwise, right?
Lucky for you the universe has blessed your life with me lol
But seriously, if you want some help in understanding how some people can persevere through pretty much any shit that’s thrown at them and still come out smelling all rosy…then this is the episode for you.
We’re going to dive into some of my own personal experiences, examples of my own life’s shit patterns ( as I like to call them) and I’ll show you in real time with real talk how to navigate these when they pop up in your life.
Fair warning: Wiping away the shit in your own life will require you to own up to your own triggers and you have to be really ready and willing to solve them, take a long hard look at yourself and decide if you’re really ready to do that before proceeding. There’s nothing wrong with deciding you’re not there yet, either. This episode will be here waiting, whenever you’re ready.
But if you’re still keen on hearing this one…play on, my friend and trust me…you about to learn some big shit today 😉