Dec 22 2024 26 mins 1
The Healthy Matters Podcast
S04_E05 - A is for Alcohol. A Primer.
Are you doing a "Dry January"? Do your family gatherings get a little more colorful when the wine starts flowing? Like it or not, alcohol plays a role in many of our lives, both directly and indirectly. It lives deep within the fabric of our society (and it has since ancient times!) but there've been quite a few changes to how the medical community has viewed it in the past decade. But is it all bad? How much is too much for us? And, maybe most importantly, how can I avoid a hangover?!
We've all likely developed our own relationship with alcohol, and it's safe to say it's a personal matter and one that can benefit from a fresh look every now and then. In Episode 5 we'll talk with an addiction medicine specialist Dr. Charlie Reznikoff, who himself enjoys good cider on occasion! He's an expert on the subject of substances and addictions and in our conversation we'll go over the physical effect alcohol has on the body, the current medical guidelines, how to assess your own consumption, and the options available for those looking to get things back under control. And yes, we'll discuss hangovers as well... Join us!
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