Overcoming the Impossible Task of Disengaging from Your Thinking to Take Charge of Your Life

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Jun 07 2024 19 mins  

In this episode, Sarah describes in detail the RAIN technique for disengaging from, separating yourself from and separating yourself from your own thinking. If you learn and use this technique you won't feel as mentally drained and feel physically more energetic. You will feel as though you have taken back being in charge of your life, versus your mind and thoughts pulling you in a million directions. This technique involves four steps and will give you the teachings you need to enhance your understanding of the Buddhist practice of mindfulness meditation.

Sarah's video course on Youtube This course is designed to work with coaching. Contact Sarah through her websites below if you are interested in coaching.
Sarah's list of types of thinking
Sarah's list of 300 emotions

TSD Mindfulness Virtual Meditation Center FREE monthly meditation group meets the third Saturday of each month at 10:00 AM New York Time/3:00 PM London Time. Third Saturday of each month. Join us, July 20, 2024. Register at https://www.tsdmind.org/group

Important links:
TSD Mindfulness Virtual Meditation Center https://www.tsdmind.org
Sarah's Mindfulness Coaching website: https://www.sarahvallely.com

This episode is a meditation for beginners, and mindfulness for beginners resource. Intermediate and advanced meditators will also benefit. The Aware Mind produces content that supports stress reduction, anxiety relief, better concentration and focus, and trauma healing.

The Aware Mind is produced by TSD Mindfulness, a virtual meditation center, offering mindfulness classes, certifications and private coaching for people with past trauma, anxiety and depression disorders, business leaders, and people who work in the helping professions (i.e. counselors, healers and yoga and meditation teachers).