Privately Manufactured Firearms | EP 105 | Kirk Garrison | SEP 26 2024 | 2PM Eastern
Join us for Episode 105 of Forensics Talks on September 26, 2024, at 2 PM Eastern, as we dive into the complex world of privately manufactured firearms with Kirk Garrison of the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department.
With a diverse background starting in Biology to teaching and then transitioning into law enforcement and forensics, Kirk brings a unique perspective to the table. Starting his forensic journey in California in 2013, he has climbed the ranks from managing an evidence room to becoming an expert in firearms and toolmarks at the county crime lab.
In this episode Kirk will share his experience with "80% kits" and the emerging challenges posed by 3D-printed firearms components, such as "Glock-switches." His work in the firearms and toolmarks unit has also led him to explore innovative forensic techniques, including the analysis of nozzle marks from 3D-printed parts to determine their reproducibility.
Kirk's ongoing research and his efforts to publish findings on the use of the Unified Score for NIBIN correlation reviews highlight the evolving nature of firearm forensics.
Tune in as we explore how these developments affect law enforcement and public safety, and what measures can be taken to regulate and track privately manufactured firearms effectively.
#ForensicsTalks #KirkGarrison #FirearmForensics #3DPrinting #LawEnforcement #PublicSafety #Episode105
Originally aired on: September 26, 2024