Mar 09 2024 52 mins
Alex is a phenomenal coach and a pioneer in this space, he's an advocate for progressing and evolving the current state of development and basketball coaching as well as the overall approach to things like: performance training, front office work, athletic training, etc
The traditional/dominant approach is outdated, and as Alex mentions in the episode - you wouldn't expect your doctor to be using methods/medicine from 2000 or early because that would be malpractice, why do we continue to accept this as the status quo and not demand for this field to be as updated and progressive as possible. The most recent and relevant research/information should be applied to coaching as much as possible
Alex and I talk about a bunch of great stuff in this episode and he's always a treat to talk to and have the pleasure of having on the podcast, please make sure to check out all his stuff linked below:
Website -
Podcast -
IG -