May 17 2022 71 mins
Picture a six month old hound dog who, for the first six months of his life, lived outside in a hoarder type environment. That doesn’t exact conjure up images of a therapy dog or of an adventure dog, does it? Well, the story of @winston_the_aussie_coonhound is a rags to riches lifestyle story that is sure to make any dog lover smile.
Winston's parents fell in love with him as soon as they saw him and gave him a loving home as well as a purpose. As Kristin, Winston's mom, shares, Winston's personality makes him the perfect therapy dog, and he absolutely loves his therapy work.
And if you aren’t exactly sure what a therapy dog is, well, Kristin really breaks it down and explains the difference between a therapy dog, service dog, and emotional support animal. She also provides an easy explanation regarding the process needed to get your dog certified.
When Winston is not bringing smiles to people's faces through his therapy work, he can be found exploring with his parents and hound brother, Reno. His IG feed is filled with some great educational content regarding therapy dogs as well as awesome pictures and reels highlighting his various adventures with his family. There is no doubt that Winston is an adventure dog through and through. And one of his favorite adventure spots is the Cascade Falls Loop Trail in Maryland. In the second half of this episode, Kristin provides some key tips you are not going to want to miss about this spot.
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