Jun 14 2022 63 mins
This episode is all about being safe when out with your pup, and is an episode that every dog parent needs to hear.
For instance, what if you are hiking somewhere without cell service. Do you know how to still let people know your location? Or, what should you do if a coyote or bear is lingering around while you are walking your pup? And, if you think coyotes or bears are only in rural, wooded areas, think again. These types of animals have been spoted in some major cities such as Arlington, VA, a suburb of Washington, DC.
Tiffanie Bennett, dog mom to @tankbennettthebeabull, is a veteran police officer and stopped by the podcast to give us some great safety tips for a variety of situations when walking your furry family members. Some of the things Tiffanie brought up and highlighted were things I never thought of as dangers and her tips, while simple, are things we should all be doing.
This is an episode for every dog owner, regardless of your pup's breed or age and regardless of where you live. Be sure to tun into your favorite podcast platform to hear some great safety tips and hear about some dog friendly beaches in Fairfield, CT.