May 16 2024 33 mins
This episode is dedicated to the people out there who dated and married or are dating someone whose partner or spouse has died. This is looking at grief from a different view point. Today’s episode features Julie Cox and her story of meeting a widower, falling in love, getting married and starting a family. Our listeners might remember one of our first episodes with her husband Michael Cox. Michael lost his wife Lindy to brain cancer many years ago. After she passed away, he completed a spiritual and life changing 250 mile hike through Spain. In Season 1 episode 5 he shared his story about grief, transformation and finding love again. This episode focuses on Julie’s story of their courtship and love. This couple is quite remarkable and is an excellent example of what having faith looks like.
Grief and Frozen Lasagnas is part of Patronica Productions. Music and sound designed by Patrick Gary and the musical talents of The Sideshow Symphony. To hear this and other music by The Sideshow Symphony, go to or find them on Apple Music or the streaming service of your choice.
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