Oct 31 2024 14 mins
I am so sorry for your loss. I can’t even imagine what you are going through. You are in our prayers. We are here for you. How are you doing? These are all things you might hear someone say after someone dies. But what about right after? How do you tell someone that their loved one died?
I have been doing a lot of thinking on this matter. I figured if it was rolling around in my head some of you might be going through this too. This episode is about when you must give bad news to someone. Specifically, telling someone that their friend or family member has passed away. This is such a difficult thing to do.
Grief and Frozen Lasagnas is part of Patronica Productions. Music and sound designed by Patrick Gary and the musical talents of The Sideshow Symphony. To hear this and other music by The Sideshow Symphony, go to www.sideshowsymphony.com or find them on Apple Music or the streaming service of your choice.
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