Jul 22 2024 15 mins
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From time to time, as we study the Scriptures, we encounter passages that force us to pause and consider a deep and profound call to action or belief. For many people, both Christ-followers and unbelievers, these passages are so uncomfortable that the easiest approach is to skip over them and ignore them.
However, Scripture makes it very clear throughout its pages that this is not an option for anyone who claims to have a saving relationship with God. The Scriptures are one complete work, spoken in one cohesive voice, God's voice.
The Word, as it is referred to in the New Testament, is both the written Word of God, which He has handed down to His people through divinely inspired human authors, and also Jesus Christ, the living Word, who affirmed the written Word of God as "God-breathed."
Those who would be true Christ-followers are not permitted to pick and choose what they will obey from God’s Word. They are called to live holy and obedient lives, fully submitted to the authority of God, which includes the authority of His Word.
In Genesis 6:5, we encounter a passage such as this. It forces us to look into our hearts and answer the question, “How evil is the heart of man?” This is an uncomfortable question, to be sure; however, the answer is of the utmost importance. Understanding the truth will lead to understanding God’s Word and work for mankind. Embracing Satan’s lie will lead the heart to reject God and face ultimate destruction.