Sep 29 2022 35 mins
Suicide, or intentionally taking one’s own life, is complex; it involves psychological, social, biological, cultural, and environmental factors. Join us this week for an important conversation about one of the most preventable public health emergencies in our society today: suicide. Talking about it can save a life.
Some statistics about suicide:
- Globally, there is one suicide about every 40 seconds.
- In the U.S., there is a suicide every 13.7 minutes.
- Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death for Americans.
- Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death for Americans ages 10-34.
- Males die by suicide four times as often as females.
It's time to change the stigma surrounding suicide! When someone is at the point where they are wishing they were dead, questioning their will to live, or actively in a space where they want to end their lives, these struggles have a downwind effect on every aspect of the community. Join Dr. Alauna in this episode as she looks at suicide from all sides, and gives a brain, biology and behavioral explanation of what it is to experience suicidal crisis.
Learn more from Dr. Alauna; Register for The Trauma C.U.R.E. at
2 WHO, Suicide Prevention Fact Sheet
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