Aug 19 2024 21 mins
It is a BSA Compliance officer's job to make sure their institutions are in compliance with the latest from the FFIEC. That means getting their boards and leadership invested in following AML/CFT best practices. In today's episode, we'll explore the FFIEC's list of critical elements for a BSA program—from adequate staffing and expertise to the technological systems necessary for identifying and managing risks.
Our guest is Hannakah Rubin, a Senior Client Development Consultant with Abrigo, who brings over 24 years of experience in the financial institution and software industry. Hannakah has not only developed Compliance, Fraud, and BSA Programs from the ground up but has also worked extensively with financial institutions to incorporate automated solutions into their compliance efforts.
Learn more about upcoming AML/CFT certification and training events.
Helpful links:
Survey: State of Fraud 2024: Key findings and recommendations for FIs
Infographic: 6 Steps for compliance with new AML/CFT program rules
Checklist: Elements of an effective SAR narrative