Mar 25 2024 13 mins
As students get older, parents seem to become more inclined to pull their children out of Montessori programs. Especially when those classrooms have smaller groups of older students. Parents often think that there are disadvantages to keeping their older children in this setting, but it’s actually quite the opposite: there are numerous benefits to older children in mixed-age classrooms.
In today’s episode, I’m sharing the unique experiences offered by a mixed-age Montessori classroom, including how older children can mentor younger students, and develop leadership skills, problem-solving skills, and creativity, among other benefits. There are tremendous opportunities for older students in the Montessori school setting, and when teachers offer individualized lessons and activities, students of any age can thrive.
What’s in this episode:
The benefits of older children teaching and mentoring younger children in the classroom
How older children can be helpful when explaining big picture ideas to younger students
Why departing before the leadership year is a missed opportunity for older students
How to engage parents on the benefits of keeping their older students in this classroom environment
Why it’s important to consider the individual needs of students when you have a small group of older children in your classroom, and how to create a positive learning experience
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