Welcome to the SELF.STYLED.LIFE Podcast with Janelle Wehsack.
Do you flinch when you hear power being related to you?
Many women have a fraught relationship with power. We're not keen to claim it and we're excellent at giving it away.
And yet, every woman I work with tells me they want to feel more empowered, so how do we bridge this gap?
In today's episode - The Power Paradox - Are You Giving Your Power Away At Work? I'm sharing:
- Why I think so many women struggle with the concept of power
- Why we look outside ourselves for power
- The 2 BIG ways I see women give their power away in their careers
- Strategies so that you can change your dynamic with power
Read this episode's full transcript here.
Find more from Janelle here:
Watch the Overcoming People-pleasing Masterclass Here.
Join TIME:REDEFINED: https://timeredefined.teachery.co/enrol-now
Career Clarity Sessions: https://www.janellewehsack.com/career-clarity/
Book your discovery call: https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=16605569
Connect on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/janelle.wehsack/
Download the Boundary Blueprint here.