Pierre Montpeyroux talks about:
- His background as spiritual seeker, leading to extensive explorations into meditation and other techniques to assist enlightenment.
- How Lisa Schwarz's authenticity and personal journey inspired him to go deeper into his personal work, including shadow work and his soul's journey.
- The capacity for CRM to not only bring clarity to trauma from different timelines, species, lineages and dimensions, but to transmute and clear it fairly quickly.
- The ability for CRM to help access love from Source to a greater degree, by clearing deep roots and hidden aspects of past traumas.
- How the effects of triggering in his daily life challenges are reduced, and how compassion, love and emotional freedom are more available, to himself and those he works with
- His learning that the more open he is to possibility, the more can change.
- The ability of CRM tools to aid the transmutation of trauma, with the continuing evolution of therapy to be faster, deeper and more efficient.