Nov 01 2022 34 mins
We’re back with episode 30 with the astonishing Isabelle Rodriguez-Wilson. Last week, Isabelle shared her journey from southern California farm girl to becoming the first woman to serve as Executive Director of The Office of Scheduling and Advance for the Clinton administration at the White House.
From her seemingly unshakeable confidence to her honesty about her insecurities, Isabelle takes us along a journey of her life filled with teachable moments and hilarious memories.
If ever you wanted to sit by a fire and be told bedtime stories by your mentor and hero, this is your time and Isabelle is your woman.
Join us for another series of fascinating tales from the life of Isabelle. You’ll hear:
- how Isabelle moved through government, lobbying, non-profit, secretarial, law, and more within her career
- what Isabelle believes we need to do when dealing with imposter syndrome
- what values and passions Isabelle is rooted in
Here's a look at the episode:
- [4:23] So often, others see our abilities and possibilities clearer than we do. The same holds for Isabelle.
- [6:07] Rather than a boiled frog that cooks to its demise, Isabelle describes her skill set as something that came on over time, like a lobster being cooked.
- [10:37] With more lessons in management learned during her time in the White House, Isabelle breaks them down for us here.
- [17:15] Here’s your breakdown on how to deal with Imposter Syndrome – Isabelle Style.
- [20:25] The Million Mom March was produced, and brought to us, by none other than Isabelle.
- [24:24] When General Colin Powell calls, you answer.
- [30:41] “It’s MY car. I bought it.”
- [32:35] Isabelle shares her true passions.
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Isabelle's bio:
Isabelle is a California native who has enjoyed a fascinating career. From 1993 to 1995, Isabelle served as Senior Advisor to President Bill Clinton directing details associated with domestic and international events, activities, travel, and protocol for both the President and First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton. She was the first woman to hold the Executive Director role in The Office of Scheduling and Advance in the White House, and the first person to ever hold the role for both the president and first lady.
Isabelle produced and brought us the Million Moms March, the first gun safety rally of our generation. A phone call from General Colin Powell led her to her work on America’s Promise Alliance.
She is now retired, and lives in Northern Nevada with her husband and 12-year-old son, Julian.
Hashtags: #womensrights #impostersyndrome #Opportunity #wtfWomenTalkFinancePodcast
- [3:15] Van Ness Feldman, LLP
- [6:07] The Boiling Frog -,until%20it%20boils%20to%20death.
- [24:24] America’s Promise Alliance -
- [27:24] Girls Who Code -