Nov 08 2022 36 mins
Today we’re joined by strategic consultant and founder of Vancourage, Vanessa Vancour. As a DEI speaker and self-proclaimed status-quo skeptic, Vanessa works in the bilingual, strategic storytelling space for brands, organizations, and people who are deeply committed to amplifying diverse voices and doing things differently. At the heart of her business is the desire to think critically about how we tell stories and use those stories to connect with others.
The story we tell about ourselves through words or actions can shape how others see us. When we opt out of telling our own story, others will write it for us based on their knowledge of us – however limited.
Within the business scope, telling the story of your product or service can mean the difference between genuinely connecting with the right audience or slogging through issues from unruly clientele to misrepresented products. Learning to tell your story strategically is difficult and time-consuming…and well worth the effort.
Dig in with us as we hear from Vanessa about the importance of telling our stories:
- why understanding our core values is crucial to telling our stories
- how Vanessa managed to find her own story
- what value lies in owning all parts of your story
- who you attract by telling your story authentically
- when Vanessa believes businesses need to look into their stories (hint: its earlier than you’d think)
Here's a breakdown of the episode:
- [2:18] Why telling your own story is so important.
- [7:08] Imposter Syndrome rears its ugly head.
- [8:26] The differences each of us brings to the table are the reasons people interact (or do business) with us.
- [11:29] Vanessa shares her view on how corporations and brands tell stories, and the mistakes she sees them make.
- [14:46] Stories have the ability to build – or rupture – trust.
- [21:33] Businesses need to have feedback loops in place. You can’t be successful without critical feedback.
Vanessa's Bio:
Vanessa Vancour is the strategist and founder of Vancourage, a bilingual storytelling and strategic consulting firm for brands, organizations, and people who are deeply committed to amplifying diverse voices and doing things differently. Vanessa is a born storyteller, bilingual editorial consultant, and Latinx marketer who’s committed her 16+-year career to bringing diverse narratives—and meaningful conversations— to every newsroom, classroom, and ad-agency boardroom she's been a part of.
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Hashtags: #consulting #DEI #TedTalks #bilingual #storytelling #diversity #criticalthinking #wtfWomenTalkFinancePodcast
Tags: @TEDx_official @vancourage_ @wtf_podcastCandace @wtf_podcastJackie @BreneBrown @daniellelaporte
Links: Vanessa’s TedX talk, Brené Brown – Living Into Our Values worksheet , Brené Brown – Dare To Lead, The Desire M