EP 034 - Realizing Your Worth Outside of Your Profession, with Dr. Steven Nicholas (*Trigger Warning, Explicit)

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Dec 13 2022 51 mins  

*TRIGGER WARNING* We discuss delicate issues on this podcast related to trauma, mental health, and suicide.

The idea of “value” in our culture is one that we attach to the money we make, the weight we are, the age we are, and the job we hold. So often, our over-identification with the decimal points of a paycheck or the armor we don sets us up for failure in the remaining spaces of our lives.

When one of those pieces that we attach to our worth slips, a downward spiral can occur. All too often, we see this in the media with stories like that of the Bed, Bath, and Beyond CFO, who took his own life amidst financial crisis in the company. In the warrior servant space (fire, police, military, medical, etc), it may be the very uniform they wear. “Without that, who am I?”

Dr. Steven Nicholas - our very own Dr. Phil - talks with our fearless female founders about this and more, on episode 34 (a bonus episode!) of the WTF! Women Talk Finance podcast.

From the silver lining of one’s deepest, darkest moments, to the disservice of bios and elevator pitches, Dr. Steve dives into what it all boils down to - a sense of belonging outside of our professional work. His snippets of brilliance range from Cheetos to micro-dates, and a deep purpose in managing the world around us.

Join us, as we get real … and then weigh in on what color couch our resident therapist needs for future episodes. This episode, our first with a male guest, should really be billed as a session…for the entire cast.

[3:54] Why talking about mental health is so crucial.

[5:43] The concept of wealth and worth

[8:43] The concept of warrior servants - who are these people outside of the armor they wear?

[13:10] The Charlie Brown Theory

[17:05] When did we decide that we have to have our shit figured out all the time?

[22:06] When facing darkness and pain, the darker the better.

[23:43] The concept of time in depression, anxiety, and the present moment.

[25:04] What does it mean to be congruent as people, and what’s the benefit to it?

[27:34] “You suck at dying and failing.”

[29:50] Amplifying your abilities for resistance by getting back to your basics.

[33:02] Many of us are in our ideal setting when we’re able to be small.

[33:56] If we’re going to experience financial ruin, does our life have to be over? You make that decision.

[34:47] Your self-talk, self-identity, and self-awareness are key to coming through the pain of truthfulness and emerging on the other side a better version of self.

[40:29] Let’s dial back into the key ingredients of who we are.

[43:09] You can’t be the most genuine version of yourself all the time. But you can HONOR your genuine nature.

[46:16] The power of curiosity in the darkness.

[49:41] Failure does not need to be the end.

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