Mar 05 2024 14 mins
Welcome back as our WTF! Women Talk Finance hosts, Candace and Jackie, present TRUE ( and kind of shocking) financial crimes.
Our hosts love true crime so much they have been inspired to delve into true financial crime.
In today’s episode, Jackie brings us the story of Mark Dreier, the architect of a $400 million Ponzi scheme that was blown off the front pages by Bernie Madoff himself. Dreier’s arrest was referred to as “the most bizarre arrest in the history of white-collar crime.”
60 Minutes link to the Mark Dreier story:
Candace chose a Canadian true crime as she presents the Quebec Maple Syrup Heist. Yes, it’s as weird as it sounds.
True Crime Canada link:
The Guardian:
Shockingly in this episode, there’s even a reference to J.T.T. (Jonathan Taylor Thomas to you non-90s kids), (mostly due to Candace’s smokin’ hot shirt) #JTTNotAFinancialCriminal
True Financial Crimes Part 2 coming soon!
Thanks for listening!